Journey across
On our journey we cross the sea and enter into a different version of the land we occupy.
The mountains are covered with petroglyphs, the striking mask in the sky brings us warmth and relief.
Where we started our journey does not look much different from where we have arrived.
Entering the grounds past the petroglyph mountains, dancers new and old celebrate our songs in true cohesiveness.
Our journey has brought us from the lands of the oppressors, through the lands of our ancestors, to the land of our children.
Our culture is living, and our future is here.
This large-scale mural has many of different elements celebrating Alutiiq culture, past and present. It has been an exciting learning experience. Aside from the journey above each part has its own special story to tell. Quyanaa to all who made this possible! Funding comes from the Henry Luce Indigenous knowledge fellowship, First Nation development institution. The people who supported me through this, Ezra Sholl, Sophie Frets, Gage Sholl for your assistance in painting. Mom, thank you so very much for spending countless mornings with me visiting while we painted. Anita Sholl, Chole Frets and Natalia Schneider, Quyanaa for your help with childcare, this would not be possible without you! <3 And of course, the Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak for allowing me to occupy your space and letting me share.